John Haworth Drewry Letters
Letters from John Haworth Drewry to his parents. Learn more.
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and Miss MacCallum that I would be in 'training' about four months, but know I said nothing of staying in Canada. I cannot say that I am very deeply disappointed in staying here, though I am to some extent. It is up to me to work hard now and get to England if I want to see that country. I was wrong in saying we would take the infantry course. At first we were attached to the School of Infantry but we are now taking the R.F.C. course and have nothing to do with the infantrymen. There is no definite news, as yet, as to how long we will be here or how soon we may expect to get commissions.
Pat O'Brien is going through the same work as we are at present, but when it comes to actual flying he will
BC Archives, 93-6553 Box 4 DREWRY FAMILY Selected Correspondence, 1917 – 1919.