John Haworth Drewry Letters
Letters from John Haworth Drewry to his parents. Learn more.
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Telephone. 35 Hooten
RAC Per Ardua Ad Astra
Hooton Hall, Little Sutton, Chester.
of warfare but I suppose the Huns really do need a bit of their medicine to put them "where they belong".
I am glad to say our commissions have finally been gazetted and our rank confirmed so that we will continue to draw full pay instead of that measly 12 shillings a day that the probationers get. This has only just gone through and as it takes anywhere from a week to a month to get Cox's to attend to matters of pay I haven't got any
BC Archives, 93-6553 Box 4 DREWRY FAMILY Selected Correspondence, 1917 – 1919.