John Haworth Drewry Letters
Letters from John Haworth Drewry to his parents. Learn more.
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to London and report at the War Office. After that we will probably have a week's leave and then we will find out where we are to be stationed.
We are all getting a bit tired of the ship and will be glad to get ashore. It was two weeks ago last Wednesday night when we came aboard. It will have been about three weeks before we land. We are all pretty well acquainted now and have a good time when we can. The night before last we had a short-order fancy dress party. I went as an Australian stock-rider — top boots, breeches, kahki shirt open at the neck, bandana neck-kerchief and a borrowed American officer's wide-brim hat. Tommy Drew-Brook is rather fond of one of the Nursing Sisters aboard and he borrowed her knitted-silk cap, sweater-coat, dress, corsets, stockings and shoes, and some of her hair combings. With the aid of a little rouge he made a most astonishingly pretty girl and walked
BC Archives, 93-6553 Box 4 DREWRY FAMILY Selected Correspondence, 1917 – 1919.