John Haworth Drewry Letters
Letters from John Haworth Drewry to his parents. Learn more.
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gunners know their business.
The day before yesterday we had a pretty good blow and the ships rolled around in great shape. Insofar as I know none of our boys have been really seasick yet. As for myself I have never felt a qualm.
As I sit here, there comes to my memory a fact which I had forgotten for the moment. To-day I am twenty-three years old. Mother dear your young son is rapidly approaching manhood; and in his manhood may he never fail to appreciate how good his parents have been to him, and may he ever strive to be worthy of their love and trust. Who would have thought, two years ago, that I should have a birthday in the middle of the Atlantic. Even last spring I fully expected to be in England by this time. But fate has decreed otherwise.
We expect to reach [illegible] Tuesday next. I suppose we will go straight
BC Archives, 93-6553 Box 4 DREWRY FAMILY Selected Correspondence, 1917 – 1919.