Wong Kong Ying et al
As part of the Chinese Historical Wrongs Legacy Initiative, we’ve digitized a small selection of inquests and inquiries from 1872 to 1934, found in series GR-0431. These were chosen to reflect the experiences of early Chinese immigrants to B.C. – their living and working conditions, and their unfortunate accidental or unusual deaths. They range from a woman working in a brothel in Barkerville who died of natural causes to three sawmill workers who died from malnutrition. Learn more.
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Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]
Q. 504 Why didn't you see that they got enough food down there?
A. Camp No. 2 what we call the old camp. Nine Chinese men there. The previous witness, Sam, and one other white man there made lots of trouble. And Sam took away the camp provisions and maybe he throw away and hid all the tools.
Q. 504 When do you say he did that?
A. It was about August.
Q. 505 You kept him on there still?
A. Afterward Mr. Colqhoun tell me not to employ Sam any more.
Q. 506 What was your arrangement with Mr. Colqhoun about these men?
A. The first of April they employ twenty white men until end of July.
Q. 507 Then what happened?
A. The orders at that time we get from Kelly Douglas. Afterward they discharge all the white men and employ Chinese men. Then the men at Camp No. 2 did not get any of the tools because Sam hid all the tools; either threw them away or hid them. Afterward Mr. Leeson and Mr. Colqhoun order from MoLennan & McFeely and Marshall Wells about two hundred dollars worth of tools.
Q. 508 Although he threw them away, you bought some more for him to throw away?
No answer.
Juryman. Q.509 Were you there when he threw the tools away?
A. I wasn't at the camp. But some Chinese workmen at the camp saw it.
Q. 510 Is the Chinaman here?
A. King Faun told me about it.
Q. 511 When did King Faun tell you about that?
A. Between July and August.
Q. 512 But you kept Sam around that Camp until the 6th November?
A. No, he didn't work up till that time.
Q. 513 How long did he work? He says he worked there till nearly Christmas. He said so, did he not?
A. He is wrong in the date.
Q. 514 He is wrong in the date, is he? This is why I say the 6th of November. Sergeant Markland tells me he brought Sam down on the 6th November.