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Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I


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April (3 to 5) 3 MONDAY (94-272) 4th Month 1916 Cambridge Lent Term ends. Quarter Sessions Week.

Put in day with squad-drill + Knotting + Lashing. Attend 6 - 7 pm lecture on slide-rule. Maj. Hamersley arrives to take command 121st Siege Battery. Capt. Bell for course - tall, bulky boyish chap. Orderly officer today + aeroplane Guard.

4 TUESDAY (95-271)

Programme for 48 new recruits commences - Squad on Dummy 6" Loader very good - Sgt. Doocy with detachment on 6" drill Find my bombardier is a civil engineer by profession - a smart set up chap.

5 WEDNESDAY (96-270)

Dividends due at Bank.

Lectured both No. 2 + 3 Squads on Gunnery - Very attentive + ask awkward questions -- Find out one man is a Schoolmaster + a graduate in pure mathematics with a dozen diplomas - A most intelligent lot of recruits. Remainder of day squad-drill with arms, knotting+ lashing. Talk with Col. Lester-Smythe about Ireland. Long walk with Maj. Hamersley - New Zealand born, Canadian-bred - Graduate Kingston.

to Picture show with Sharp.

BC Archives, MS-0392 FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS Box 1, Volume 5, Diary and enclosures, 1916