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Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I


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Fme shelled with 5.9's, followed by shrapnel. 80 shells sent over altogether. In the morning Vierstraat was heavily shelled. 77 mm hit SP.8 Bombing - An officer's patrol crept up to the enemy's wire- Discovered an enemy L.P which they bombed. German explosives Several samples of explosives taken from Ger. shells or grenades sent by adjoining Corps to A.HQ in the belief they might contain prussic acid. Found to contain Dinitrobenzene, which is used with the ordinary T.N.T - smell is a distinct almond odour. (at Ypres the German shells smelled strangely like geraniums-this I noted also at Festhubert. on Oliviers - Jeanne Chieux's brother dying of wounds - Came back in a limber with a French Territorial (165ome) en permission - From Angouleme - Marie fixes my bonnet.