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Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I


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Church parade Guincy the micks that turned out was simply scandalous, no room in barracks To tell you fellows about it church was a shack with a crooked stick over it. Company drill & route march. Turn in the Oliver equipment. 10 mile route march now in orders for each day and the English roads are very hard! Wrote Moncton, McLeeming & Lorne Leach. Route march to Dover & back nearly 20 miles. Talked with crew of destroyer "c" captured "U8" which had got entangled in a net. "c" was nine days under fire of Belgium, hit in bows by a "Jack Johnston", 23 men wounded & 9 killed out of crew of 65 by this one shell. "Dresden" announced sunk Mar 14, after 5 minutes fight, surrendered, was on fire and blew up. Crew saved. HMS 'Glasgow, duy cruiser "Orama HMS "Kent", near Fernandez Island. Musketry & bayonet manual & route march. Red Cross train filled with wounded goes through Cheriton. More men of 1st Contingent came in last night.