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Alma Russell Letters


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Box 29 Grenfell P.O. Sask Canada April 4th 1919 To. Miss A.M. Russell Dear Miss Russell I am writing to tell you that my husband Lce Cpl. P.J.Tappin. Prisoner of War Germany has returned home to me & children quite safe, after an absence of four years. He arrived home the 22nd of March. ( Sunday) Monday afternoon myself & two children were taken down with Spanish Influenza which he nursed us, & the following Sunday, he was taken to the hospital with it myself. So I trust Miss Russell you will understand why he has not written to you. He sent for me April 4th & ask me to write & explain things. & he would write to you as soon as he came home from hospital. He has been worrying very much to write to you. He was doing fine, when I saw him & was hoping to be out in a few days. this has been the third outbreak, so I think we have kept from it very well, but to go & get it, when my husband did get home. I think this is all the news, & must close From Yours Truly Mrs P.J. Tappin P.s. myself & children are up & around but still feel the affects from it