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Frederick Tregillus Letters from the Cariboo Boys


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FOR GOD*FOR KING* FOR EMPIRE YMCA AND THE CANADIAN WAR CONTINGENT ASOC WITH THE CANADIAN CONTINGENT ON ACTIVE SERVICE It is very easy to see that a great number of the men are gone away. Women are so many more than me. Women Post Girls & in some cases Moter Buss Condoctors in London & they look very well in thier Uniform & are modest appearing but well able to take care of themselfs. Also women ticket takers at all Stations I have seen. & in many other lines womes are at work usually done by men. Still I see quite a number men that I think ought to be in Kaskie, At Eastbourne there were a great number of young well dressed men on pleasure visits. The south coast town resorts are very busy quite up to the usual number of visiters come. No doubt because the East coast towns are not too safe to take a family to. The People take the Zep raids in a very cool way. most people would like to go out to see it when they hear the guns just because they are asked to do so by the police the fewer hurt the less gain for the Hun. We have had to put out all lights in Barracks about 6 times but no Zep every came near us or got very close to Dover. though Dover was tried for Dover had a visit last night ( a short one) only 3 bombs droped so we hear. mark the date 25.4.16. to day we heard a lot of distant guns for 25 minute. Fire was so rapid men all think it ment a battle. at sea