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Deborah Florence Glassford Letters and Memorabilia


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23rd Nov. 16 H.M. Submarine EXT

My dear Dodie:

I am back again after another spasm. You say in your letter that I have never said anything about your photograph that you sent me. My letter must have gone adrift, as I wrote and thanked you or it and said that I liked it very much. I also said at the same time that both my photographs had been returned to me, as the [Canson?] [?] [?] to it including the boat, absolute nonsense. I shall have to get another at Malin. In the meantime I am sending you a snapshot taken of me in my khaki rig; it is all I have except the others than won't go. You talk about marrying the first wealthy man of fairly decent appearance, in your last letter. I hope [-ly?] that you were only joking when you said that. I cannot imagine anything more terrible than doing a thing like that, it would be selling yourself to a man that you had no love for. For Heaven's sake think seriously before you contemplate anything like that: you could not possibly have any respect for yourself afterwards, and no one would have much for you. You may argue that many people have done it before, can you think of anyone that you have [?] [?] that you do not despise in your own heart. Please pull yourself together and try and face your troubles with a [?] heart [?] [?]. I know that at times one gets most awful fits of depression and one feels inclined to do anything to get away from