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Deborah Florence Glassford Letters and Memorabilia


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of many before she married Tom Maryon, but perhaps she has had it cut off, she certainly deserves to. JC makes me very angry to think of her having spoken of me with great affection as I have more respect for a myzer woman than I have for her. She must have the insolence of a dunce to say that kind of thing, knowing how fond I was of Tom. I only hope that she has not realized how much she had to do with his death. I hate to think of you even shaking hands with them. I am sorry to hear that your father has had another setback he has had rotten luck. Nevermind, Dodie, you will find that it all turns out in the end. If you are not rich in money, I am quite certain that you are in friends, and they mean a lot. We shall all be on our uppers[?] and have to live the simple life after the war. When I made the remark about being surprised, it referred to the ena[?]ation of the Peninsula and some other things that I may not tell you all about yet.

I have not met Vane[?] yet and have not heard of him, there are so many soldiers in Malta.

We are now in a place that gives us all the pump[?], as it is dirty and smells and is a mass of malaria. No one feels fit and we are all feverish about ridiculous little things that we should take no notice of in the ordinary course of events, but it is all very good for me.

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 4 GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver Correspondence inward, 1916.