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Deborah Florence Glassford Letters and Memorabilia


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Telegraphic Address, "Sussonslow, Southkens. London". Tel 3729 (Sussex) Nos Kensington 4620 (Onslow)

Sussex & Onslow Hotel Queens Gate South Kensington, S.W.

Larry is also waiting and has been for 6 weeks to go back to his old haunts. He has quite recovered. Hugh is in France having a very strenuous time. He was dreadfully upset about Ronnie Creasy. He was one of his best subs and was doing so well. Hugh very luckily saw him just before he died. He was only conscious for a short time & recognized Hugh's voice but could not see him. I went to tea with Jean the other day. She has had a ghastly time with operations. She has just had another but is getting on now although she was in bed the day I saw her. She looked awfully