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Deborah Florence Glassford Letters and Memorabilia


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been [ with?]. If it goes on much longer there will be no Canadians left at all. It is too bad your "little affair" has ended but I hope by now a new one has started . Your trip to Paris , after this war, will be a most worthy & patriotic effort, may I be there to help, before this event!! Why doesn't I [t?] come out here, instead of going to [[?] ?. But it is a [b?] spot & and he is well out of it . I am glad Copt Beetham is back, he is such a dear, & I wish I was there to tease [?] [?]. Take care of yourself dear Doddie & write again real soon if you have the time. I love your letters they are so full of news. Be careful With love [?] [?]