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Arthur Douglas Crease Letters, Diaries and Scrapbooks


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Archives of V 15 7 British Columbia CREASE COLLECTION

Memo of Army Group B. Foreign Press Service No peace with a German Socialist Republic-Say Our Enemies

Basel, Nov. 19,1918. According to a London newspaper Lloyd George and Balfour in recent days have left absolutely no doubt in conversations with members of the lower house that the Allies do not recog-nize an imposed Socialist Republic and they would not be able to conclude a peace with such a regime in which only the control lay with a single part.

The Allies demand also for Germany the equal rights of all parties and a treaty which would hinder for all time the terror-ism of a single class.

Warned by Russia the Allies would not, before the establish-ment of absolute freedom in Germany, think of peace and demobil-ization.