Scripto | Page Revision | Transcription

1914-215 Rex vs. Gin Yuen alias John Young – procuring, Vancouver


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115 Q How many times? A About four or five times.

6 Q Under the same circumstances? A yes under the same circumstances.

7 Q Who got the money? A Gin Yuen.

Questions by Mr. Read: (not through interpreter)

8 Q You speak English? A No.

9 Q You speak a little? A No.

20 Q How long have you know the accused, that man? A Two years.

1 Q Two years you know him? A I know him two years ago.

2 Q Who introduced you. What did you first say to him when you saw him? A He said" take you to see girl"

3 Q You have known him the whole two years? A Yes.

4 Q You have seen him every day? A No, not every day, sometimes I see him.

5 Q How often have you seen him, how many times a week? A About once a week. I have not seen him this week.

6 Q But during the two years you have known him how often have you seen him for the two years? A Lots of times.

7 Q Have you ever seen him in your life till this afternoon? A Yes.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 194 File 1914/211 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.