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1911/71 Rex vs. Mah Hung – procuring


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that Ma Hunq at the City of Vancouver in the County of Vanc. in the Province of BC in or about the month of June in the year of our _________eleven unlawfully did procure one Katie Stephens, a woman, to leave her usual place of abode in Canada, to wit, at the City of Vancouver aforesaid, such place not being a brothel, with intent that she should for the purpose of prostitution become an inmate of a brothel against etc

2. And the jurors aforesaid do further present that the said Ma Hunq afterwards to wit on or about the sixteenth day of June in the year aforesaid at the City of Prince Rupert in the Province aforesaid unlawfully did procure the same Katie Stephens, a woman, to become a prostitute against etc

3. And the jurors aforesaid do further present that the said Ma Hunq on diverse days in and between the months of March and June in the year aforesaid at the said cities of Vancouver and Prince Rupert unlawfully did administer to the said Katie Stephens cocaine and other drugs with intent thereby to stupefy her so as to thereby enable a man to have unlawful carnal connection with her the said Katie Stephens against etc

BC Archives GR-0419 British Columbia Attorney General Box 150 File 1911/71 Attorney General documents