1901/90 Rex vs. Wong Quen and Wong Yun – running a gambling house, Nanaimo
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IN THE COURT OP OYER AND TERMINER AND GENERAL GlAOL DELIVERY. CANADA. ) Province of British Columbia ) The Jurors for our Lord the County of Nanaimo ) City of Nanaimo ) King present that Wong Quen and Wong Yun in the District of Comox in the County of Nanaimo in the Province of British Columbia on the nineteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one unlawfully conducted a scheme for the purpose of determining the holders of what tickets were to become the winners of property so proposed to be disposed of: 2: And the jurors aforesaid do further present that the said Wong Quen and Wong Yun afterwards to wit on the day and year and at the place last aforesaid unlawfully did sell tickets for disposing of property by a mode of chance: I hereby direct that the counsel acting for the Crown at the Nanaimo Fall (1901) assizes, prefer this Bill of Indictment to the Grand Jury Attorney-General. BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 89 File 1901/90 Attorney General documents.