Wong Kong Ying et al
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Q.612 Where did you leave the trucks? A. At the railway. Q.613 Are the trucks paid for? A. We owe $150.00 on one and the other is paid for.
No further questions.
Q.614 There is a copy of an invoice produced by Mr. Colquhoun who claims that that was a cash sale. A. I received order from the Camp and told Mr. Leeson that the order amounted to about $64.85, and Mr. Leeson gave me a cheque for that amount, and then I made out the order which consisted of these $19.84 and $41.11 - $60.85 Q.615 These cheques amounted more of less to being paid on account? This one of the orders you refused to ship until you get money? A. Yes. Juryman. Q.616 There is not a separate invoice for $64.85 A. There was no goods shipped for the $64.85 except these goods. This is the actual shipment. Juryman. Q.617 This is a payment on account. A. Yes. He telephoned up to the office that there was an order in for $64.85 and he want the cash.
No further questions.
Q.618 Was there any trouble between your Camp and the other Camp? A. No trouble. Q.619 No friction, no hard feelings of any kind? A. We were on good terms. Q.620 You got a shipment that Mr. Colquhoun brought down before Christmas, or sent down about the 22nd of December? A. I didn't receive any shipment. Q.621 Mr. Colquhoun said no one arrived about the 22nd December. He said there was one delivered by Johannsen (?) about that time? A. I don't quite remember. Q.622 You went to Vancouver down about that date? A. I went to Vancouver on December 22nd.
BC Archives GR-0431 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 13 File 6 Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.