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Wong Kong Ying et al


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A. Mr. L. In answer to the Jury he said he did get a shipment between December 15th and January 17th.

Q. 450 Mr. Leighton Did you get any supplies or anything between December 15th and January 17th?

A. Yes, I did get some goods arrive.

Q. 451 When did you get them and where from?

A. The goods arrived at the Puget Oil Company, Sechart.

Q. 452 When did they arrive?

A. We went to get the goods on January 17th.

Juryman. Q. 453 There were three orders between December 9th and 20th and apparently only two arrived. Is that for one camp or for both camps on the 20th December?

Mr. L. Answer. This order December 20th, for Lam Guey See.

Mr. Leighton Q. 454 Which is Lam Guey See? Is he in the court-room?

A. No, he is not here.

Q. 455 Is he in Alberni?

A. I don't know. He is still at the camp.

Q. 456 On the 17th of January, did you get one shipment or two shipments?

A. One Shipment.

Q. 457 One shipment for your camp, or two for your camp?

A. One for each camp.

Q. 458 Only one for your camp?

A. Yes, one for my camp and one for the other.


Q. 459 You were at No. 2 Camp?

A. Camp No. 2

Q. 460 Do you remember a shipment arriving about December 15th, the shipment of December 9th?

A. I do not recall December 15th.

Q. 461 Show him the invoice of December 9th. Ask him if he recognizes them?

A. I remember only I receive one shipment on January 17th.

Q. 462 How long before January 17th did you receive anything?
