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John Marshall et al


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  1. 13


Q;- On account of the framework on the bridge you would have seen the bridge tender's lantern if it had been lighted on the center of the swing as he said it was? A;- I don't know, after they passed it. Q;- The bridge was open, no light in the center of the swing, or a lantern was you evidence. Mr Ladner;- I think Mr Cowan is wrong. He said- Coroner;- I Mr Ladner;- Mr Cowan says the lantern was sitting in the center of the swing, that is quite a material matter. Mr Cowan;- Now, then you gave us to understand there was positively no light, lantern anywhere? A;- There was no light. Q;- Then the bridge tender is wrong? A;- He is wrong. I don't care about him. Q;- If he says there was a light, there was the light of his lantern and a red light he is wrong? A;- Well, I tell you; I didn't see it. Q;- But you swore a moment ago there was none? A;- I swore I didn't see it. Coroner;- Just make your testimony exactly what you know. Mr Ladner;- The witness has clearly explained that. Witness;- I didn't say that. Coroner;- That's what you said, and I want you to be careful in the future, Mr Cowan;- Will you swear there was no light? A;- No light. Q;- Are you or are you not sure there was no light on that bridge? A;- I have told you repeatedly, sir. Coroner;- Mr Hutchison, he is just asking you that plain question. It has been sworn by, - I can give you eight that have sworn positively the lights were there. Can you swear positively the lights were not there? A;- I seen no lights, that is, the height of a man, sir. Q;- You said there was no light on that bridge of any kind.