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John Marshall et al


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  1. 11


Q;- Did you notice the car working hard as if he was trying to pick up speed? A;- Yes; it was. Q;- After he went up the brdige? A;- Yes. Q;- After he went up the approach, after he got on the bridge? A;- Yes, he was picking up speed all the time. Q;- Did he have the cut-out open on the car, did you notice it make a big noise? A;- I don't know; it makes a big noise. Q;- Did you notice the car before when she was coming on the bridge, when it struck the approach to the bridge? A;- No, sir; I didn't notice that. Q;- And you would be quote close to them? A;- Yes. Q;- You hadn't noticed the car before? A;- No. Q;- You hadn't noticed, as a matter of fact, the speed coming up the approach? A;- No; I did not notice. Q;- Did you notice about how fast he was proceeding? A;- Fifteen or twenty miles an hour. Q;- Do you reside anywheres nearby? A;- Twiggs Island. Q;- Do you know any regulations as to the speed of automobiles crossing the bridge? A;- I do not. Q;- Did you notice one on the far side? Did you notice one on the poles provided by the Richmond Municipality? A;- I have seen it there but I have never read it. Mr Cowan;- Have you ever driven a car, Mr Johnson? A;- Not the last two years. Q;- Did you ever drive a car? A;- Yes. Q;- Have you any experience driving a car? A;- No, not driving, more repairing. Q;- Will you tell the jury just how far from the approach is Twiggs Island? A;- About twenty-five yards. Q;- You said before the automobile passed you, you had got to the side of the road, didn't you? A;- Just as he came past me I got out on the road.