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1895/82 Regina vs. Foung Due, alias Mon Kee – perjury (a market gardener, sending money home)


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Small Debts Court of Victoria, holden at Victoria. Fun Quock v. Foung Due, judgement summons 176.100.
Small Debts Court of Victoria, holden at Victoria. Fun Quock v. Foung Due, judgement summons 176.100.
FOUNG DUE, Judgement debtor, sworn:- I work in garden at Mr. D. R. Harris'; have worked there for more than five years and have always got as wages $25.00 per month and board and lodging; I was married nine years ago in China and stayed there three years; on my return to this country I left my wife and two children in China; I send $15. every month to my mother in China for her support and that of my wife and children; I have done so ever since I went to work at Mr. Harris'; I send the last $15. on Thursday, 19th Sept. ult.; I gave the $15. on that day to Ah Gaw, Cook at Mr. Hamley's to send it to Lai Hop Yune at Hong Kong for my mother; I have been giving him the money regularly every month for a year past to send to Hong Kong; I have never taken a receipt from him; I spend about $20. for clothing and $12. for boots per year; I spend $2. per month in tobacco; I gave $10. this year to celebrate at graveyards; all the rest of my money I spent in food and other things; I have no money now only two bits; I got my wages last - $25. - on Tuesday, 24th September; of this I gave $15. to Ah Gaw last Sunday; I paid $7.50 for clothes to Sam Kee, Government Street, on Saturday last and the rest I spend for pleasure
FOUNG DUE, Judgement debtor, sworn:- I work in garden at Mr. D. R. Harris'; have worked there for more than five years and have always got as wages $25.00 per month and board and lodging; I was married nine years ago in China and stayed there three years; on my return to this country I left my wife and two children in China; I send $15. every month to my mother in China for her support and that of my wife and children; I have done so ever since I went to work at Mr. Harris'; I send the last $15. on Thursday, 19th Sept. ult.; I gave the $15. on that day to Ah Gaw, Cook at Mr. Hamley's to send it to Lai Hop Yune at Hong Kong for my mother; I have been giving him the money regularly every month for a year past to send to Hong Kong; I have never taken a receipt from him; I spend about $20. for clothing and $12. for boots per year; I spend $2. per month in tobacco; I gave $10. this year to celebrate at graveyards; all the rest of my money I spent in food and other things; I have no money now only two bits; I got my wages last - $25. - on Tuesday, 24th September; of this I gave $15. to Ah Gaw last Sunday; I paid $7.50 for clothes to Sam Kee, Government Street, on Saturday last and the rest I spend for pleasure; since I married I have never saved any money, nor had any money in a bank in my own name or any other name; I have never kept money for any person except Fun Que, who gave me about 20 months ago $200.00 to keep for him, which I kept in my room for two weeks and then returned to

Revision as of Jan 14, 2023, 3:10:22 PM


Exhibit "D."

Small Debts Court of Victoria, holden at Victoria. Fun Quock v. Foung Due, judgement summons 176.100.

FOUNG DUE, Judgement debtor, sworn:- I work in garden at Mr. D. R. Harris'; have worked there for more than five years and have always got as wages $25.00 per month and board and lodging; I was married nine years ago in China and stayed there three years; on my return to this country I left my wife and two children in China; I send $15. every month to my mother in China for her support and that of my wife and children; I have done so ever since I went to work at Mr. Harris'; I send the last $15. on Thursday, 19th Sept. ult.; I gave the $15. on that day to Ah Gaw, Cook at Mr. Hamley's to send it to Lai Hop Yune at Hong Kong for my mother; I have been giving him the money regularly every month for a year past to send to Hong Kong; I have never taken a receipt from him; I spend about $20. for clothing and $12. for boots per year; I spend $2. per month in tobacco; I gave $10. this year to celebrate at graveyards; all the rest of my money I spent in food and other things; I have no money now only two bits; I got my wages last - $25. - on Tuesday, 24th September; of this I gave $15. to Ah Gaw last Sunday; I paid $7.50 for clothes to Sam Kee, Government Street, on Saturday last and the rest I spend for pleasure; since I married I have never saved any money, nor had any money in a bank in my own name or any other name; I have never kept money for any person except Fun Que, who gave me about 20 months ago $200.00 to keep for him, which I kept in my room for two weeks and then returned to