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address - the monotony of this existence is damnable - never outside barbed wire for well over three years - and never see any new faces - but I suppose we are more or less resigned to it now, and perhaps would feel lost if we got outside. That photo I spoke of never got sent off, as the sending of photos was temporarily stopped at that time and I never enquired when it was allowed again - but its nothing much at any rate - and I have got terribly grey headed since coming in here - Heavens only knows what we'll be like when we get out! Well, enough of growling, it never did any good. Are you still at Cedar Crescent? in your letter you speak of making a sort of garden of Eden, so thought possibly you were referring to some other place - anyhow I address this to c/o the Bank, which address you put on your letter. So Sorry for Babs -- please give her my chin-chins when you see or

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 6 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver / Correspondence inward, 1918.