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Bdr B. Greer.302030

France, April 5/17

Dear Folks:

I wrote to Eva last night and intended to write to you but did not get to it. Today is great the sun is out just like a regular summer day and I sure hope the bad weather is over, for I sure have seen all the mud I ever want to see. but a week like today would thicken it up pretty good. So we could have paths through it anyway. Say but you sure are seeing a bunch of Phoenix people. Gee ] but I would like to see Thompson and Joe Ingram. We sure got along fine. is Nellie liveing in Vancouver to. I was over to see Bill Elliot last night, but he had been called out to go up the line believe me there is sure going to be something doing pretty soon. I guess you will be reading about it in the papers before you get this letter. Fritz sure is going to get an awful package handed to him. and now if the weather holds good it will rush things a bit. Say talk about traffic it is simply awful.

BC Archives, MS-1901 Box 1 File 4 / RUSSELL, Alma M., 1873 - 1964. Victoria; librarian. / Letters from Bomdardier Albert Greer, 1917.