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The last few days I have been thinking how pleased you will all be over the latest war news, particularly Father I know how relieved he will be over General Foch's successful counter attack. It was certainly a fine piece of work . I think the Hun is undoubtably going to "get it in the neck" from now on. It will be impossible for the Hun to keep back news of a serious reverse like that, from reaching the people in Germany & Austria, & I bet it will start trouble before very long. Also the fact of the Americans arriving by thousands every week, it's bound to get their wind up sooner or later. What does Father think of the landing of Allied troops up on the Marman Coast, quite an undertaking you bet. There seems to be a slight movement towards the Allies in Russia again, who knows? Perhaps Father's Russky's will be in at the finish yet! By todays paper I see the ex Czar is reported to have been shot, a pity they didn't shoot the Czarina instead as I believe she was really the bad'un! I was very interested & glad to hear Madge had been distinguishing herself at golf, she must have developed into some player all right, how nice that you

BC Archives, MS-2685 Box 17 File 3 / OLIVER, William Edgar, 1867 – 1920. Victoria; lawyer. / Erroll P. Gillespie, correspondence outward, 1917 – 1919.