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The 67th are expected to leave at the last of the week, this will take all but Sealy, who has transferred to the 1st Can. Pioneer Batallion. Saw Glady Callanan the other day she didnt know me at first, though I was still up in the Cariboo somewhere, didnt look as though she had annexed any Sunday schools lately. Lester Bonner is also here. Saw Reece when he was down. Glady says she expects the Doctor down soon.

Your letter arrived on the 27th all right and it was very thoughtful of you to so send it. I received four letters on that day. by a strange coincidence in some way.

If the snow fell at Barkerville proportionately to here I suppose it would be difficult to locate it by the time, but hope this will reach you eventually O.K.

I have discovered a picture of Quesnel, taken on the way down to Lillooet when I left Barkerville, this I had addressed to my mother aparently from Lillooet but never sent, and so

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 3 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862-1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from Freeman Killam, 1915-1917.