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Victoria Feb 21/16


Glad to hear from you - the first since last spring and had come to the conclusion you must either be dead or dormant, with strong hopes for the latter. The last letter of yours that I can unearth is dated last April, and, I have no recollections of yours of June reaching me, sorry to say,

I don't find military life very hard, have slept at home ever since I joined, so find it fairly easy. I joined the 88th home guard last May, and transferred into the 88th overseas on it being formed at the first of December, and owing to snow etc, have not got down to training yet, although the batallion has arrived at full strength in the interim, I have to be at the grounds at 830 every morning and generally get home again at 1, & have until 830 the next morning, This has been ever since I joined, but expect to have to put in more afternoons as soon as one gets down to business. and I expect we will get away for England about the 1st of June. I am not playing a cornet now, but a trombone, and will send you a picture of the change when I get some.

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 3 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862-1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from Freeman Killam, 1915-1917.