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for more than an hour.

Land & Water & Punch are much appreciated by the mess esp. the former - I think I may draw $100 or so on your credit for the men to get them a little extra - such as Tommy cookers so that they can have hot tea in the front lines, or oatmeal as an occasional addition to their breakfast. Hot porridge as a midnight meal before turning in is sometimes one of the finest things in the world.

We can get no company fund unless we run a canteen & that can't be done under these conditions.

I have another letter from Harry - a curious production.

It is 2:15 am & after going round the trenches for a solid four hours through the mud I am entitled to a nap.

Your loving brother


BC Archives, MS-0055 Box 15 File 1 / CREASE FAMILY / Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease to his brother, Lindley Crease, 1916.