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Halifax April 16th 1918 My dear Father Well here we are at Halifax, got here early this am & we are now awaiting orders to embark. I have heard we are going to have a very big convoy, lots of troops going over, there are about 7 trains unloading at present moment ahead of us down at the docks. The train just immediately ahead of us has on board a big draft of Flying Corps men & Foresters. I have no idea what boat we are going on & even when I do find out I won't be able to say as my letters will be censored from now on. It might be as well to send my mail c/o Canadian Bank of Commerce. London. Until I know definitely where I am going to fetch up. I can always notify them of my where abouts as as I may be shifting around. Feeling much better today, hope we have a decent passage across. Erroll