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operation peccadilloes - in a nursing home only for a fortnight as it was quite slight but very tedious. How I wish you could pop in and see me, a chat would be much more to the point than this scrawl. Jimmy keeps splendidly well and will be back on base again at the end of this month. he has had 2 in the past year so we count ourselves fairly lucky - though a nice blighty would have been quite to the point. Wasn't it too sad about Ken Taylor after he had done so well too. They have been so much together but oh heaps of them have gone. Munro did you know him.

Well I was most interested to hear of the Irish American thriller. I wonder what happened about it. You really should come home Dode. Beg borrow sell or steal and do it. There is so much to be done &

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 4 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver / Correspondence inward, 1916.