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don't believe in petticoat influences in military matters. If a fellow can't get a job off his own bat without getting his wife to make herself cheap to some blooming senior officer he'd better stay where he is. Now I've got that off my chest and as you are 7000 miles away you possibly won't appreciate my sentiments! Your letter from the Bank was not such a complete surprise as you might suppose as I had already heard what you had done. Good old pal, I'm proud of you: it's a devil of a wrench at first. I'm sure that after all you're only doing what thousands of women are doing in this Country. I have one sister in France on canteen work and another nursing in London and my family is no exception by any means. Leslie is now acting brigade major at Bramshott. He offered me a job as A.D.C. at the O.C. Training Division there but I thought I'd stick to the job I've got for many reasons. Firstly I've no desire to wear red tabs and secondly I'm getting better pay where I am. Let me have another letter from you some time. Have not heard another word about Gill so can't advise you. But keep your pecker up old girl, one day you might even fall back on me!

Yrs, Graham

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 4 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver / Correspondence inward, 1916.