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3 Manderville[?] Place London, W[?]

Oct. 15th

Dearest Dode. Whatever can you think of me having taken all these ages in answering that tipping long letter of yours (you do write good ones!). I really loved it dear and meant to have done ages ago but you know how the time just slips by. I have been at [?I].A.D. hospital for the last 7[?4] months in the capacity of Cook and (on the quiet) Assistant Commandant as it belonged to a great friend. I simply loved it and the men did all my hard work so it was not at all too heavy - they are such angels[?] and things always so busy and jolly made the time fly. Now I am at leisure to review life while I am lying prostrate after one of my little

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 4 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver / Correspondence inward, 1916.