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know by the name of Allen, and who work in the Aircraft Production Department of the Ministry of Munitions had a weeks leave coinciding with mine and pursuaded me to go to Southend where they were to stay with a married sister (they have lost both father and mother). They are good sports and girls of the right sort so we have had a great time swimming, boating and cycling in the country. As Southend is their old home they of course know other men there and we had two or three dances and a jolly time all-round. It is any first experience of anything like the old pre-war social life and I must say it is a great relaxation after army life, but it has not deterred my keenness to get home. I must get to work and finish my course at the University and settle down. I feel so like a good-for-nothing loafer now, but can't help myself. I haven't heard from you for ages, the strikes must be delaying the mails; but I am looking for a letter every day. There's no more news just now so good-bye for the present.

Love to yourself and Dad


BC Archives, 93-6553, Box 4, / DREWRY FAMILY / Selected correspondence, 1917 – 1919.