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with beach, promenade on sea front, boatmen, pavillion, pier, land and amusements. There is a large number of R.A.F. cadets training there and among them are Teddy Blomfield, the older brother of Tommy Drew-Brook's – George by name. I managed to get the two boys off duty for an afternoon and evening and we attended a big garden fête in and of the St. Johns Ambulance Association. We brought things to eat and drink and attended all their comic side-shows, threw tennis balls at "Kaiser Bill", and thus got rid of considerable weight of pennies, but had a good time in return. Yesterday we climbed up on the hill where the famous battle of Hastings took place in 1066. It was quiet up there, and we could hear the big guns in Flanders. Mrs. Blomfield and and Muriel got quite excited about the booming of the guns and amused me with their wonder at my lack of enthusiasm.

Well, I've told you all about my leave and can't find any more paper like this so will close. Love to you both


BC Archives, 93-6553 Box 4 / DREWRY FAMILY / Selected Correspondence, 1917–1919.