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with the Record Office, London, and they sent me down here. I've been here 10 weeks now and haven't found out yet quite what I am or what I have to do but as no one else seems to know it doesn't make much odds. I have a side car to run around the district in and spend most of my time visiting various orderly rooms and telling them their system is rotten: they very rarely ask me to suggest a remedy but if they do I merely refer them to somebody else the D.A.A.G.M.S.G. and K.[not sure about this string of initials] or something like that. They don't know who he is but dare not display their ignorance. I had the pleasure of visiting the 11th C.M.R. the day they arrived here and telling them what I thought of them because they'd left all their documents on the Dock in Liverpool or something. The first thing I saw was Bimbo: he insisted on introducing me to the Colonel as the R.T.O., H.Q. sub staff. Of course it was quite unnecessary as I knew Kirkpatrick already but it was oh! very impressive. Bimbo transferred to the 72nd Battn and has gone to France with them. Dick Baker has I understand gone into the Flying Corps with his

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 4 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver / Correspondence inward, 1916.