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6th Sept. 15

Record Transmitting Office Hdqrs C.T.D. Shorncliffe, Kent

My dear Dodie,

Ever so many thanks for your cheery epistle which I managed to decipher all right though badly tied up once or twice. However there is one thing about a woman's typing, it is usually better than her writing! Haven't had any news of Vancouver for a long time except a very verbose effusion from my erstwhile boss. Since I last wrote I have as you will note from above address altered the course of my career of crime in H.M. forces. I got fed up with doing nothing with the 30th Reserve Battn and applied for a Medical Board to pass me fit: however they did the other thing and put me under a vet. in town for six weeks. It didn't do my health a bit of good and I blew in about £200 altho' I was living at the expense of the Government or rather the Red Cross in quite a decent mansion near Lancaster Gate. It was a glorious time if I hadn't felt so rotten at the time. Then I applied for a job

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 4 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver / Correspondence inward, 1916.