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as infantry and have been issued with the Welb equipment much to our disgust.

I must thank you so much for the bundle of papers it was splendid of you to bother. I must not forget to tell you, that I am engaged to Miss Dorothy Gillingham who is at present in St. Joseph’s hospital. I can see by your letter you have guessed as much but do not think I did not intend to tell you – not a bit of it. Natural shyness scared me off and I only intended to tell a few of my best friends and you are certainly one. I met Mrs. McN on the wharf the night of leaving. She has probably told you. I do hope you will meet Miss Gillingham someday as I am sure she will like you and you her, I hope you won’t read this letter aloud. I must really hasten to a close but before doing so please accept my most heartfelt thanks for all your kindness to me since our first of meeting and believe me my dear Miss Russell I shall never forget one of my most truest and admired friends, with love and wishes,

most sincerely, Joe Shires.

BC Archives, MS-1901 Box 1 File 15 / RUSSELL, Alma M., 1873-1964. Victoria; librarian. / Letters from Trooper Joseph Shires, 1915-1916.