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Arr'd at Woolverstone in time for lunch. With Milly bicycled into Ipswich to see Nat at cricket match. Tea with Nellie Packe (nee Butler). Liked town very much. Reported to police under regulations.

Friday 21st Milly + I biked through Holbrook Garden + other parts of Woolverstone Park (Berners). Very hot. Wrote Maud B. Left for London in pm. Slept in Woking. v. warm welcome.

Sat'dy 22nd Drove to Windsor through the Park + visited Windsor Castle St. George's Chapel v. fine. Lunch at Lanton's. Back to London + Sandling. a great day. Reached East Sandling 10 pm.

Sun 23 July To Ch. at Saltwood. In pm walk with Bridgman + Langley to Elham an old village boasting foxhounds