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about two weeks ago. After getting there he broke down completely, had a temperature of 104° and a pulse of 102 per minute. He lost his voice in the bargain but I believe is pulling through O.K. now.

A number of your letters have reached me but no parcels as yet. We have been getting delayed mail in large lumps for the past day or two and I think there is more coming.

I also had a letter from Tommy's aunt in Yorkshire, whom you will remember I visited with Tommy just before we came to France. She is taking care of my good leather travelling bag and a lot of stuff I don't need over here. She wants to know if I am not getting leave soon, and insists that I must go and see them when I do. As my leave is due in about a week I shall certainly take the opportunity of going up there. London

BC Archives, 93-6553 Box 4 DREWRY FAMILY Selected Correspondence, 1917 – 1919.