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I was never made to be a killer and my heart isn't in it as it is with a great many of the chaps. Of course with us it is either kill or be killed so one chooses the lesser of two evils.

The Hun in the air, as a rule hasn't got much grit. We are never attacked unles the Hun has the top position and the advantage in light and in numbers, and then an unhesitating bold-faced counter-attack will send him diving for the floor to seek the protection of his archie batteries. Fritze's "forté" in the air is night bombing. He hasn't the courage to do day-bombing of which the R. F. C. does a tremendous amount.

I think I forgot to tell you that when we first moved here we stayed in one of the cathedral towns of France which is not far away. Over the doorway of the hotel

BC Archives, 93-6553 Box 4 DREWRY FAMILY Selected Correspondence, 1917 – 1919.