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these things constantly or he would never have time for anything else. They are only to check your position, speed and the running of your engine. Still you can see that with so much "furniture" about me I feel quite at home. Across the top of the fuselage just behind my seat in white letters is the name of my bus,"Tillicum", which as Dad will know, is the Chinook for "friend".

We have been having a spell of lovely weather lately, hardly a cloud in the sky and very little frost at night, so there has been lots of aviating going on. "B" Flight has done five or six patrols but - as yet we have met only one Hun machine a big Rumpler two seater which was trying to get over the lines for a long reconnaissance I suspect. He was about a thousand feet above us and we potted away at him from underneath. He did

BC Archives, 93-6553 Box 4 DREWRY FAMILY Selected Correspondence, 1917 – 1919.