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It is almost as difficult here for two brothers to see each other, when they are separated by a few miles, as it was for a Russian exile to have a good time in St. Petersburg. Well he goes back to-morrow and I was sorry I was not going with him, but I hope to be able to get exchanged into a Field Amb. in his division before long. This bomb-proof business is no job for any man that has red blood in his veins, anyway. Leo and I have decided to get a good big launch when we get back, whenever that is. Had a letter from Bill Rogers and he expects to be back soon, he says. Leo says Bill did wonderful work up there and should have a medal if any one should. Am glad to hear the joint is such a success. How handy it will be for you to have an A.M.C. man around, in the shooting season, when we all get back.

Mole (MN Jackson)

BC Archives, MS-1901 Box 1 File 8 RUSSELL, Alma M., 1873 - 1964. Victoria; librarian. Selected letter from Private Morris Nicholas Jackson, 1917.