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kit and his arm in a sling, she just the same s ever only more so. I saw Gilliat before his return to France and also met Roderick Bell Irving and his wife one day when he was over. Ben Sweeny and Isabel B-I were duly wed and photographed in the Sunday Pictorial: bad luck, the old man and family not being able to get over for it. These submarines are the devil and if you take my tip you won't hanker after the Albion Isle till the Hun is safely disposed of. Arthur Black was up in town a little while ago to see a nerve and heart specialist as he wasn't very fit and I managed send him on the night train in a fairly happy condition. Had one terrible night with three old cousins of mine one a colonel another a major and all very tight. Two were returning to France next day so didn't care if it snowed ink and I had quite a time keeping the old nuts within the bounds of present day propriety. Cheerio, dear pal, and let me know first hand if it's true about the matrimonial question. If he's [illegible] of the ready grab him: you'll always have enough pals to keep you amused.

Yrs, Graham

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 5 GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver Correspondence inward, 1917.