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affects him. I told him I heard he was second in command of his Battalion. This appeared to surprise him, but he accepted the position quite readily, and after the second drink he was O.K.

It appears he has been home on leave and his people were upstairs giving him a farewell dinner as he was going to France the next day. I really don't what they would think of him. The rumours that have come through seem to point to his having done very well. What a pity he won't push away from drink. He's still a Captain and I feel that if it hadn't been for his "failing" he'd be much higher.

If you know of any further news re Proctor let me know, I feel awfully sorry for him.

So, old [Cocky] [illegilbe] has gone and done it eh? He must be pleased - for I think he, as well as everyone else, thought he couldn't. Still he did come up to the scratch, alright.

I'm awfully glad you have taken to typewriting, for now I can read your letter, before it was a case of guessing sometimes I guessed wrong at least I really think I used, for otherwise - well you shocked me, what!

By jove, old pal, I do miss you so, for you are most awfully plucky, always so cheery no matter what happens. You really have got real grit, girl, and I only just wish things were better for you, that I had half your grit & pluck. It won't be long before things do turn out well, and you'll come out right in the very end.

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 5 GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver Correspondence inward, 1917.