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one another about 1 minute to 9 oclock, you making for [illegible] ledgers, and me to the Drill Hall to mount the 9 oclock Guard.

I received an awfully nice letter from Doctor Macdonald the other day, I believe Jean is with you, is she not.

Dodie I could write pages of interesting news about the war, but am sure you hear and read enough about it, without my enlarging on it. But really I do believe this is the beginning of the end, German cannot keep up this strain and the tremendous losses, which since the offensive have run into hundred and thousands.

So buck up my dear, we shall soon be back again I hope, and then Dodie I shall expect more than one dance from you in an evening.

Goodbye, thanking you ever so much for writing me and trusting too it will not be the one and only one.

Lots and lots of love, trusting you and your family are enjoying the best of health.

Your Old Pal, Billie

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 6 GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver Correspondence inward, 1918.