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in there is generally a lot of work to be got through which is no sooner done than we are off to sea again. We have got a fairly long spell in this time, so I am trying to make up for some of my sins of omission. So you see that it is impossible to keep up a regular correspondence, even if I could, there is so very little to talk about that I can find nothing of interest to say. So I most humbly crave your forgiveness if my letters are somewhat dull.

I am hoping to get some leave shortly, but it is very much in the air at present. I have only had eight days leave in England since February 1911, so I think it would do me some good to get a bit, we have been in our new house for over six years now and I have not seen it yet.

Is there any chance of your being in England about Christmas time? I should so much like to see you again, it is a long time since I have looked upon your fair face that I probably would not recognise you. We would have a great time in London, go to lots of theatres, and enjoy ourselves generally.

How are things going with the family now? I hope that your father is having some success down at Reno. I suppose that the war affects things down there in the way of people going there, very nearly as much as it does in other neutral countries.

My best love to you, and get that idea out of your head that you are boring me by writing.

Yours ever,

Jack Codrington

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 4 GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver Correspondence inward, 1916.