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Jack Ellis + Don Percerley when they came out from the front lines after the capture of Regina trench + Schwaben redoubt, they were in that scrap and Scotty told me all about it and said he didn't want to see anything more like it. Well Ive seen enough agony, mutilation and bloodshed to last me the rest of my life. its too horrible to talk about. One redeeming feature about the whole thing is that they feed you as good as they can, and there is no lack of grub. I don't know how this operation on my leg is coming out, they've got to wire the bone together where its split and that means about six weeks more here for me _ and probably they will send me home then. I'm just longing to stick my teeth in one those Bear Lake Front. This is a lovely place here and there are about five thousand of us in it. Well Fred give my regards and best wishes for the New Year to all and accept the same yourself From yours Truly Geo. F. Turner 102951