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his ankle, runing sore. Was going to Orpinton Kent a special foot hospital Scotty is OK. as is the average Scotchman Minisci also I saw at Seaford waiting to be sent to France but in the mean time he is in the shoe shop &I doubt If they send him across unless a Native born Canadian who can fix shoes comes along & in that case over goes Minisci Ed Armstong also was there working in the Mess house (dining room) & used to throw me a odd slice of bread over the heads of many men. Said bread was very axceptable as rations were very scant. He wnet on to his base the same day as I did. He was C.2 Minisci BI McKenna C3 so you must think I am some B.S. man to get Marked A.2. I have some notion after that that I could sell soap or Books or Mining shares You did Just right about the horse. I must try through L Prior to get my saddle etc up to Pat Shasheep (close to horse) in case I do or do not get back. To sell & to ride up country with if I do. It takes so long to arrange any thing like that. from here