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c/o Overfront London Regent 5000

The Royal Club for Officers Beyond the Seas, At the Royal Automobile Club Pall Mall. London. S.W.1.

April 8, 1919

Dearest Mother,

Have just had some mail forwarded from Eastchurch, including two letters from you; one of which contained a small note from Dad. I've been up here several days now giving evidence at the court-martial of a young American Naval Airman by the name of Chamberlain. You perhaps have read of the case, and the story of the spectacular patrol he claims to have done last July with a British "Camel" squadron in The Chateau Thiery area. You will remember we were working down there at that time so I was called upon as one of the few available pilots who was flying over the lines there at the very hour when he claims to have shot down

BC Archives, 93-6553 Box 4 DREWRY FAMILY Selected Correspondence, 1917 – 1919.